

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No more dry patches on baby or on You for that matter

When I wrote my post yesterday about chapped lips, it got me thinking about my little girl's very sensitive dry skin.  During the winter, like many babies, my little girl gets dry patches. Well, I have tried all different lotions to help her get back to that skin I love to touch -- that baby skin.  But nothing has worked as well as -------drum roll ------

Johnson and Johnson baby oil GEL --- the word Gel is the key to this product. I don't know why it works better than the straight up oil, but it does. Now I have to say that I don't use it alone. If I use it when my baby is still a bit damp than yes, I use it alone.  But if I am using it on dry skin, I put it on and a bit of lotion too.  I believe that the oil gel acts as a barrier to keep that moisture in.  So if you are just out of the bath/shower it keeps the water moisture in.  If you apply it with some lotion it helps keep that lotion in -- it amps up the lotion's ability to moisturize.  I am no chemist; hence, I don't know how these things work.  But I am a mommy -- I put a great deal of my energy into trying to figure out how to help my babies. I hope this can help your kiddo too.  As a side benefit, I now have super soft feet that smell like coco butter -- yum!

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